We set aside Memorial Day to honor those who have done their duty and
gone before. I have always told people that, by definition, a Veteran is
alive. The last Monday in May is not Veterans Day – it’s Memorial Day – a
day that we are to look backward – to reflect upon what was – and maybe
even what might have been. To take a look – even for a brief moment on
how the lives of those Veterans who have gone before us have changed
our world.
Many of you will go to a Veterans’ Cemetery this weekend. If you do – take
a look – really, take a look at the rows of white stones. This is the great
equalizer. Here among these stones there is no African-American section
– there is no special place for generals or a separate section for Marines.
Rank, color, creed – religion – they have no place here. To be a member of
this club you had to raise your right hand and swear to protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States of America. That simple act began the journey of sacrifice that led service members and their families to this
special place.
Veterans Home Care focuses on the quality of life that was earned by
those who gave of themselves for all of us. We are privileged to be part of the journey for Veterans and their surviving spouses. Our CEO and
founder, Bonnie Laiderman, promised her mother she would start a
company to help wartime veterans and their widows. So far, she’s kept that
promise more than 18,000 times by serving more than 18,000 clients. It’s
our honor to serve the very people that secured our liberty.
As you take a moment to reflect on those who have gone before also take
a moment to reflect on the lives that have been enriched because of the work we do every day at Veterans Home Care. We have the opportunity to care for those who placed themselves between us and harm’s way. I can
think of no more noble cause.