On December 7, 1941, thousands of military service members, and civilians (2,403 to be exact) were killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. An additional 1,178 were injured, two American battleships were sunk, and 188 aircraft destroyed.
Needless to say, this was one of the deadliest events in U.S. history, let alone military history. This year marks the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the devastating events which brought about official U.S. involvement in WWII. Every year at the beginning of December, events are held at the Pearl Harbor National Memorial as a means of honoring our Veterans, many of whom paid the ultimate price. The events culminate in a commemoration ceremony, held on December 7th.
The goal of the commemoration is to remind today’s young generation, and the generations to come, why Veterans are important to our history. Furthermore, the ceremony aims to ensure all Americans understand the legacy of those who not only lost their lives during this war, but all who fought valiantly for what they believed in. It also highlights the value of the peace and reconciliation which paved the way for a better future. As such, the theme of 2021’s National Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration is Valor, Sacrifice, and Peace.
Few soldiers who were present for, or even alive at the time of, the Pearl Harbor attack remain with us today. Most who did not perish during the attack or subsequently lose their lives during WWII have since passed. But honoring war Veterans on National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is always important, regardless of the era, conflict, or battles in which they served.
Valor: Why are Veterans So Special?
It has been nearly 250 years since the United States of America was established as a sovereign nation, thanks to the soldiers who fought for the ideals upon which this great nation was based. Whether or not we agree with the politics behind every subsequent conflict, there is simply no denying that members of the U.S. Armed Forces continue to stand and fight for those ideals – often giving their lives for the cause in which they so believe.
Sacrifice: Why Should we Respect Veterans?
It’s nearly impossible for civilians to understand exactly what veterans have done for our country. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. Every day, and especially on days of recognition such as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, it’s our job as those who benefit from the sacrifices made by our military to do just that. Take a step back, recognize all that our military gives, and honor those who made and continue to make sacrifices on our behalf.
Peace: How Do Veterans Serve Our Country in Peacetime?
It isn’t difficult to comprehend why veterans deserve our support, respect, and understanding during times of war. But, honoring our Veterans remains important long after war has ended, as their valor and sacrifice do not cease after peace is declared.
Remaining in a familiar home environment is often the preference for aging seniors, and there is significant benefit to this choice. Maintaining continuity and consistency can be a comfort as we age. Furthermore, major changes to surroundings and routines, not to mention leaving a home with years full of happy memories and rooms full of personal items, can create additional difficulties for seniors as they acclimate to their own evolving needs.
At some point these needs may surpass that which loved ones can easily accommodate. Many seniors, and their families, benefit from seeking a dedicated in-home caregiver who can help meet these needs on a regular basis.
Finding in-home care services for seniors can be tough. Below are a few steps to take and items to consider as you determine how to choose a home care agency (or individual) for your loved one. Simply sharing stories and advocating for active-duty service members is a major service to our nation, one which is very unique coming from a Vet. And then there are those Veterans whose physical and emotional wartime wounds require them to give of themselves, for their country, for the remainder of their lives.
And we cannot forget the Veterans who have done so much for our nation without having ever seen combat or served during wartime, but whose actions prevent the need for battle to begin with. Peacetime Veterans play a major role in keeping us safe without ever setting foot on a battlefield.
Honoring our Veterans by Providing Care
There’s no better way to honor Veterans than to care for them or their loved ones. Veterans Home Care helps Veterans and their surviving spouses apply for a little known VA benefit to do just that.
We can get care started right away and there is no out of pocket cost to the Veteran or surviving spouse for our assistance.The VA Pension with Aid and Attendance provides funding for in-home care to qualified applicants.
Contact Veterans Home Care at (888) 314-6075 for more information about choosing a home care agency, the VA Pension with Aid and Attendance, and how we can help you get started.