No matter what level or kind of service a veteran provided for his or her country, there are a number of programs that can help them obtain veterans home care services. Unfortunately, not a lot of veterans know about the ”Aid & Attendance” benefit that provides veterans home care when they reach an age and physical or emotional point in their life when they can no longer take care of themselves.
People who served in the military come from all walks of life. They have many different reasons for offering their service to their country and fellow American. While these veterans each have a unique background, they share one common denominator: they were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect America and freedom around the world.
If you know an elderly loved one who is having trouble taking care of himself, or herself, and you are not sure whether the Veterans Administration provides assistance to them of this nature, it’s best to contact a representative of the VA to find out what is available. The Aid & Attendance program was established to provide certain veterans home care that can allow them the remain in the comfort of their home, rather than needing to stay at a VA hospital, nursing home, or other care facility when those options are considered extreme.
Do All Veterans Qualify for the Aid & Attendance Benefit?
Not all veterans will qualify for the Aid & Attendance benefit. In fact, only a relatively small percentage of veterans will qualify for this benefit that can help them stay at home and get in-home care that they need.
The basic, bottom-line requirements for the Aid & Attendance benefit is that the veteran will have had to serve in a qualifying branch of the Armed Force for at least 90 days and will also have had to be in a combat situation for at least 1 day. There are other factors that determine eligibility, of course, but these are the two primary ones for this particular benefit.
Many veterans simply don’t realize that there are a number of positive programs that are available through the VA to help them as they grow older. Some veterans are too proud to ask while others don’t know where to look. The Aid & Attendance benefit is also available to surviving spouses of qualifying veterans. If you want to learn more, contact Veterans Home Care LLC today. You will also be able to learn more by contacting a professional home care services provider.
For more information on the VA Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit that helps senior veterans pay for in-home care services, or if you have a general question about VA Home Care, please don’t hesitate to call Veterans Home Care at 888-314-6075